Queen Camilla hosts boy who missed garden party

Tony Hudgell was on his way to Buckingham Palace in May when he got stuck in traffic on the M20.
2024-07-01 13:07:42

Disruption after plane stuck on Gatwick runway

The airport says it had to close its runway and divert some flights but it is now operating again.
2024-06-28 16:07:52

UK's tallest rollercoaster leaves riders stuck during stoppage

The UK's tallest rollercoaster suffered another breakdown, leaving riders in mid air for an hour.
2024-06-15 22:07:24

This Poor Seal Had a Ralph Lauren Ball Cap Stuck On Its Neck

Post Content
2024-06-07 00:06:44

A climate activist in Paris stuck a protest poster on Monet's 'Poppy Field'

Post Content
2024-06-01 15:08:33

'I just want what the white people have' - what happened to Cynthia's dream in South Africa

The BBC's Fergal Keane returns to South Africa to follow up on a woman's story that stuck with him for over 30 years.
2024-05-24 22:07:27

Aircraft problems leave Germany's justice minister stuck in Venice

Post Content
2024-05-10 17:08:46

Weary troops stuck on front line as Ukraine struggles to find manpower

Ukraine is outgunned and outmanned by the Russian invaders, who are inching closer.
2024-05-06 09:09:03

Thousands stuck after Australian airline suspends flights

The nation's new low-cost carrier has cancelled all flights, as its business hangs in the balance.
2024-04-30 06:07:29

'Buying a first home is harder when you're single'

A report says two high incomes are increasingly needed to afford a mortgage, leaving millions stuck.
2024-04-28 03:06:24

Leaking schools 'stuck' after Raac rebuild pledges

"This school's got everything else wrong with it - but it doesn't have problems with Raac," one head says.
2024-03-21 02:06:45

Boat carrying football fans gets stuck under Hammersmith Bridge in London

The vessel was taking West Ham fans to their match against Fulham when it got stuck.
2023-12-11 13:08:48

Passengers stuck for hours on Elizabeth Line after cables damaged

Damage to overhead electric wires is blocking routes in and out of London Paddington, National Rail says.
2023-12-07 23:07:04

How the Palace got stuck in Scobie-gate

After the naming of names in the race row, the Royal Family has to tackle difficult questions.
2023-12-01 18:08:46

Uttarakhand tunnel collapse: Rescuers free 41 trapped workers

The workers were stuck for two weeks after a part of a tunnel they were working in collapsed.
2023-11-28 20:07:26

Rescuers explore new ways to reach trapped Indians in tunnel

The workers have been stuck for two weeks after a part of a tunnel they were working in collapsed.
2023-11-27 11:08:29

Uttarakhand tunnel collapse: Drilling resumes to save trapped Indian workers

The 41 workers have been stuck for 10 days after an under-construction tunnel collapsed due to a landslide.
2023-11-22 09:09:44

Uttarakhand tunnel collapse: Fears for India workers stuck for 72 hours

Forty labourers have been trapped in the tunnel after a part of it collapsed on Sunday.
2023-11-15 14:09:50

Daughter of doctor stuck in Gaza blames UK embassy

Post Content
2023-11-09 23:09:25

Lawyer gets stuck with cat filter during virtual court case

A Texas lawyer discovered his face had been replaced by a cat video filter during a court session on Zoom
2021-02-10 00:06:01

Polish mayor honours Belarusian who got bus out of snow

A Belarusian who came to the rescue of a bus stuck in the snow has won praise and a free travel pass.
2021-02-13 01:05:59

Cat stuck in tree for days rescued

2021-02-27 06:06:41

World's first space hotel scheduled to open in 2027

If you're daydreaming of future travels while stuck at home during the pandemic, why fantasize about the beaches of Bali or the canals of Venice when vacationing in space could be in your future?
2021-03-04 12:05:40

Family grateful after horse stuck in mud rescued

2021-03-04 14:05:52

How the border problem caught the Biden team off guard, and how they've scrambled to fix it

As the number of unaccompanied children in Border Patrol custody ballooned this month, President Joe Biden's team raced to find more places to house them, leaving thousands of children stuck in jail-like facilities for longer than the 72 hours allowed under the law.
2021-03-21 02:05:44

Vaccine passports may save Europe's summer, but only for the lucky ones

The European Union has revealed its plans to introduce a vaccination certificate that will allow travel across its borders, but amid a faltering inoculation program there are fears that it could create a two-track system that lets a favored few trot the continent while others remain stuck at home.
2021-03-21 11:05:51

Smart tires could help you drive better

We tend to think of tires as big circular hunks of black rubber that just roll down the road. We don't think about them much until something goes wrong and you're stuck waiting for roadside assistance or digging the spare out of the trunk.
2021-03-21 17:05:39

Suez Canal: How are they trying to free the Ever Given?

Operations are continuing to move a 400 metre long vessel stuck in the Suez Canal since Tuesday.
2021-03-25 17:07:41

Video shows effort to release ship stuck in Suez Canal

Tugboats are working to free a 224,000-ton container ship stuck in the Suez Canal. Here's why they need to act quick.
2021-03-25 23:05:42

Suez officials need to remove 20,000 cubic meters of sand to free ship

Up to 20,000 cubic meters of sand in the Suez Canal need to be removed to free the gigantic container ship that has been stuck there since Tuesday, according to the canal authorities.
2021-03-26 05:05:44

Két személyvonat ütközött össze Egyiptomban, legalább 32 ember meghalt

A tájékoztatás szerint két személyvonat ütközött egymásnak. A Kairótól mintegy 460 kilométerre délre fekvő Tahtánál bekövetkezett szerencsétlenség helyszínén készített felvételeken kisiklott vasúti vagonokat lehetett látni egy vízcsatorna felett. At least 32 people dead and 66 injured as two passenger trains crash head-on in #Egypt?s #Sohag town, some 500km south of #Cairo. Ministry of health says rescue operation underway with emerging reports saying many stuck in the trains pleading for help. pic.twitter.com/CUoB3CyWok ? W???????? U?????? (@W0lverineupdate) March 26, 2021 The post Két sz...
2021-03-26 14:06:48

Suez Canal: Ships stuck in 'traffic jam' as salvage efforts continue

The queue has "grown exponentially" since a container vessel ran aground, a merchant seaman says.
2021-03-26 16:07:13

US Navy plans to send team to assist with stuck ship

The US Navy in the Middle East plans to send an assessment team of dredging experts to the Suez Canal as soon as Saturday to advise local authorities attempting to free the gigantic container ship which has been stuck there since Tuesday, according to two defense officials.
2021-03-26 19:05:43

In pictures: Container ship stuck in Suez Canal

A large container ship got stuck in Egypt's Suez Canal on Tuesday, March 23, halting marine traffic through one of the busiest waterways in the world.
2021-03-27 00:06:46

Fresh bid to dislodge stranded Suez Canal container ship gets under way

Efforts to dislodge the huge container ship stuck in the Suez Canal intensified Saturday as the backlog of ships at either end of the crucial waterway grew, heightening concerns over the impact of the blockage on global supply chains.
2021-03-27 14:06:14

We asked kids what they would do free the ship in Suez Canal

A container ship has been stuck in the Suez Canal since Tuesday, and authorities say they'll remove up to 706,000 cubic feet of sand to free the ship.
2021-03-28 19:06:04

Salvage crews are trying to free the Ever Green container ship, which has been blocking the Suez Canal for almost a week

Salvage crews are attempting to refloat the Ever Given container ship, which has been stuck for almost a week in the Egyptian canal, the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said in a statement Monday.
2021-03-29 07:05:56

Ship 'partially refloated,' but still stuck in Suez Canal

2021-03-29 08:06:40

Oil prices dip after ship stuck in Suez Canal is partially freed

Oil prices are falling after the Ever Given container ship was partially pried free in the Suez Canal, giving rise to hopes that a crucial lane of global trade can soon reopen.
2021-03-29 09:05:40

Repülőszimulátorban bukkant fel a Szuezi-csatornát eltorlaszoló teherhajó

Hétfő reggel érkezett a hír: hat nap után sikerült irányba állítani a fontos kereskedelmi útvonalat hat napja eltorlaszoló 400 méter hosszú teherhajót, az Ever Givent. Az esetet jó eséllyel egy ideig nem felejtjük el, emlékét nem csak az interneten keringő mémek fogják őrizni, hanem a Microsoft híres repülőszimulátora, a Fligh Simulator is, amibe egy moddernek köszönhetően bekerült az Ever Green cég hajójának digitális mása. Az elrejtett meglepetésről egy donut_enforcement nevű felhasználó osztott meg TikTok-videót. A szuezi csatorna felett elhaladva a kapitány a kereskedelmi útvonal fontossá...
2021-03-29 12:07:23

Suez Canal Authority attempting to refloat Ever Given ship

Salvage crews are attempting to refloat the Ever Given container ship, which has been stuck for almost a week in the Egyptian canal, the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said in a statement Monday.
2021-03-29 13:07:48

Fresh bid to dislodge stranded Suez Canal container ship gets under way

Efforts to dislodge the huge container ship stuck in the Suez Canal intensified Saturday as the backlog of ships at either end of the crucial waterway grew, heightening concerns over the impact of the blockage on global supply chains.
2021-03-29 13:07:48

Video shows driverless SUV stuck in reverse

2021-03-30 19:05:43

Experts examine bottom of big ship that was stuck in Suez

2021-03-31 15:07:31

Beszorult hotelszobája ablakába és meghalt egy fiatal amerikai nő

Meghalt egy 22 éves amerikai nő, miután beszorult floridai hotelszobája ablakába ? jelentette a helyi sajtó. A Maryland államban élt Sydney Therriault a beszámolók szerint elveszítette szállodai kulcsát, és az ablakon keresztül akart bejutni a szobába, amikor beszorult. A helyi hatóságokat helyi idő szerint reggel fél nyolc körül riasztották a Marathon városában található Pelican RV Resort & Marina hotelhez, de a mentőegységek már nem tudtak segíteni rajta, és csak a halál beálltát tudták megállapítani. A helyi rendőrség közlése szerint a nő ?beszorult és megfulladt?. Azt nem részletezték...
2021-03-31 17:06:12

Suez Canal traffic jam caused by stuck ship Ever Given 'cleared'

The last vessels blocked by the Ever Given have now passed through the Suez Canal, authorities say.
2021-04-03 16:06:45

Suez Canal blocked by traffic jam after massive container ship runs aground

Eight tug boats are working to free a large container ship stuck in Egypt's Suez Canal, halting marine traffic through one of the busiest and most important waterways in the world.
2021-04-03 21:05:51

Émelyeg, esetleg hányingere van? Okos trükkökkel könnyen elűzhető

Egy nő több trükköt is megosztott a TikTokon rosszullét ellen, amikre egy brit doktor is azt mondja, valóban működnek. Isabella például azt is megmutatta, mit tegyünk, ha émelygünk: fertőtlenítőszert öntsünk egy papírtörlőre és lélegezzük be. A szag undorító lesz, de a rosszullét elmúlik. Ha pedig úgy érezzük, mindjárt hánynunk kell, zümmögjünk, vagy inkább hümmögjünk, mint egy buddhista szerzetes (elnézést a buddhista szerzetesektől!). Illetve, ha folyamatosan folyik az orrunk, az ellen az lehet a trükk, hogy a nyelvünket a szájpadlásunkhoz nyomjuk, a hüvelykujjunkat pedig a homlokunkhoz nyo...
2021-04-09 10:06:13

How to survive hotel quarantine

Being stuck in isolation in a small hotel room for days on end with no option to leave could easily have been the basis for a fly-on-the-wall wall reality show a few years ago.
2021-04-11 16:05:41

Group helps rescue cat stuck in tree for 18 days

2021-04-12 19:05:53

Student & driver rescued from stuck school bus

2021-04-29 02:05:44

Australians stuck overseas 'abandoned' by their own country

Australians in India are the latest group to feel abandoned by their government amid virus fears.
2021-04-30 01:06:26

River Thames whale: Stranded baby minke is put down

The juvenile minke whale had become stuck against a river wall in south-west London.
2021-05-10 23:06:05

Australian destroyer arrived in San Diego with 2 dead endangered whales stuck to its hull

Two dead endangered whales dislodged from the hull of an Australian destroyer after the warship docked in San Diego last weekend, according to the Royal Australian Navy.
2021-05-12 12:05:41

Analysis: Why the UN is stuck on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The deadly ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the kind of challenge you might think the United Nations could address. After all, it played a major role in establishing Israel as a state more than 70 years ago, what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba or "catastrophe." But it's not doing much on this one.
2021-05-18 20:05:45

The TV world is changing. You wouldn't know it from the major networks' fall schedules

The television world is changing at a breakneck pace. But you wouldn't know it looking at the schedules of the major broadcast networks, which -- in what can only be perceived as their collective read of both business conditions and the public's state of mind -- have stuck with the tried and true, and kept changes to a minimum.
2021-05-20 07:44:27

Remember Biden's radical, sweeping, transformative agenda? Well it's pretty much stuck

Remember all the talk about Biden's radical, sweeping, transformative agenda? Well it's pretty much stuck in Congress right now.
2021-05-24 06:05:42

Street's power turned off for dramatic cat rescue

The mischievous moggy spent hours stuck at the top of a 10m electricity pole in Stow-on-the-Wold.
2021-05-25 11:06:25

Három órán át lógott a mennyezetből, majd két kalapot és egy üdítőt lopott a betörő

Három órán át lógott egy a mennyezeten ütött lyukba szorulva egy betörő, egy vegyesboltban a tennesseei Memphisben ? írja egy helyi hírportál. Ahmed Mohammed, a Z Market nevű üzlet tulajdonosa elmondta, hogy a betörés május 12-én, hajnalban történt. Amikor reggel bement az üzletbe, hogy kinyisson, és meglátta a felfordulást, azonnal ellenőrizte a biztonsági kamerák felvételeit. Azt mondja, elképzelni sem tudja, hogyan juthatott be a tettes az üzletbe, hiszen nem volt nála semmilyen szerszám. Az ügy további furcsasága, hogy miután sikerült kiszabadulnia szorult helyzetéből, a betörő alig vett ...
2021-05-28 13:06:02

Stuck on a world tour serving soup in Lahore

A German couple crossed 11 countries before the pandemic halted them en route to India.
2021-05-30 02:05:59

The Suez Canal is being widened. Will it be enough to stop another ship getting stuck?

In March, world trade was thrown into chaos by a boat. The Ever Given, a container ship nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall, ran aground in the Suez Canal in Egypt. It was stuck for six days, disrupting global supply chains.
2021-05-31 11:05:40

Kis híján sokkot kapott egy nő, amikor meglátta, mi rejtőzködik a mosógépében

Alaposan meglepődött egy londoni nő, miután egy rókát talált a mosógépében, írja a Mirror. A 32 éves Natasha Prayag a Twitteren számolt be az esetről, majd a történetet később a brit sajtó is felkapta. A nő elmondása szerint május 24-én nyitva hagyta a lakása bejárati ajtaját, mert férjével vissza kellett menniük csomagokért a ház előtt álló autóhoz. Ennyi idő is elég volt a rókának ahhoz, hogy besurranjon az ingatlanba, majd keresett magának egy számára biztonságos helyet, a választása pedig a mosógépre esett. Amikor a nő észrevette az állatot a gépben, rögtön fotókat készített róla. Honest...
2021-05-31 17:05:54

As Trump readies summer rallies and speeches, allies worry he's stuck in the past

A cadre of aides and advisers working to tame Donald Trump's obsession with the 2020 election, including his fixation with debunked voter fraud theories and ballot audits, are realizing the task at hand is much tougher than they thought.
2021-06-04 14:05:42

The stock market after-party is in Europe

US stock indices remain in record territory. But in recent weeks, they've been stuck in a holding pattern as investors hunt for the next big catalyst that could send shares higher.
2021-06-08 15:05:40

He flew to India to see his parents sick with Covid. Now he's unable to get back to his pregnant wife

At the end of April, both of Pallav Jha's parents contracted Covid-19 in India. When his mom called to deliver the news of his dad's declining health, Jha knew he had be with them, which meant leaving his pregnant wife and 4-year-old son behind in Arizona.
2021-06-09 20:05:41


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